What we do

We work in Papua New Guinea (PNG) with Pioneer Bible Translators (PBT) where our primary job as surveyors involves researching the languages of unreached people groups and providing PBT with the information they need to make effective decisions in those areas. We also gather information on the groups PBT is already working with to help refine the impact of the translation programs being implemented.

Travel is challenging in PNG making it unfeasible to take Ray Evangeline and the new baby on surveys with us. Therefore, Hannah has stepped back in her role as a surveyor and stepped up as a full-time mom. She also works in the PBT office helping with whatever day-to-day tasks need to be done so the translators can spend time translating. Brian will be shifting into a town based role where he will be the administrative assistant to the director. During 2015 he will be mentored by the current director about leading a multicultural branch. The director will slowly give him responsibilities at his discretion.

Some of our weekend time will be spent with the Dill family in Yall village. They were our assigned PNG “family” during orientation in 2011 when they patiently taught us Tok Pisin and allowed us a glimpse of their lives. Since then, they have invested more deeply into our lives, and we have invested in theirs.

In the end, our ministry in PNG is based on the needs we find on the field. We love working with our teammates and being part of the translation movement in this country.